
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

YES I am a guilty, read about my confession!

Ubqari Magazine - January 2020

Your supplications are accepted: after reciting the last two ayats of Surah Bakarah, whatever dua you do with their intercession will be accepted.

How my life changed?

Dear readers! By listening to the dars of Hazrat ji on (memory card) or on net etc, lives of many people are changing. Because ISmai Azam is recited with dars, wherever ismai Azam is recited the problems and worries in that house are surprisingly vanish. You should also listen to dars, even for some time but listen it every day. Dars should be present in your house and in your car all the time.

This story is true and original, all the characters in this have been made fictional, and any similarity will be just a co incident.

I wasted so many years of my life

Respected Hakeem Sahib Aslama-O-Alaikum! I was in search of someone honest, straightforward and spiritual elder since childhood, so that I may find someone who is a friend of ALLAH and I should hold his hand. During my student days in year 2000 someone mentioned you but unfortunately I could not pay attention, I feel very sad when I think about not using that opportunity to come close to you. After wasting many years of my life I came to you. Still I am thankful to ALLAH that HE blessed me with the opportunity to be your servant. Almost 2 and a half years back ALLAH showed me the way to tasbeeh khana and blessed me to get bait by you. I get to understand the real meanings of my life; there is also a life of our heart and spirit. With the blessings of tasbeeh khana and your attachment raised the voice of my sins inside me. Your attachment persuaded my heart towards salah and tasbeeh.

I am admitting my sins in front of you

Dear readers today I am admitting my sins in front of you with a heavy and sad heart. Almost 5 years ago I meet with (s) named female and unfortunately was trapped in devil’s deception. I started to communicate with her. That woman was divorced by her husband, she got married second time to an abnormal man and is not financially stable as well. After one year of her second marriage I started to speak to her over the phone, we even started to go out for walk. After two years of my relation with her, she gave birth to a baby girl, but from the start of our link to even 6 months after her daughter was born we did not have any sexual relations. But after that unfortunately we turned t wrong path and during this I started to drink alcohol. Since the time our relationship started which was 5 years I started to bear her expenses. When I found ubqari magazine and started a link with Ubqari and did bait with you, I started to remain very worried about these things. I thought how I can continue doing such evil deeds after ding bait of such a pious person.

Oh ALLAH saves me from the life full of evil deeds

I started to pray to ALLAH to save me from this life full of evil deeds. I tried many times to get away from these evil deeds and to avoid this woman but unfortunately I could not. During this my wife and parents came to know about my relationship with her and severe quarrels started in my home. I did lot of injustices to my wife and behaved very impolitely with my parents. Even after doing all these I started to remain very worried and sad inside. My parents are very pious people, they offered salah five times a day and offer tahajud salah as well, they made me eat hallal livelihood and what is was involved in? My parents sold the piece of land they bought with their hard earned hallal money and gave to me for business, but the reality was that I was busy in that woman and the result was that my business kept on going into loss instead of profit. I kept on spending the capital until I was in debt. Even after earning so much money I am still not able to build my own house and live in a rented house.

I used to do injustice to my wife and parents

I used do fraud with my parents and siblings did injustice to my parents, wife, kids and siblings. I continue to support this woman because there was nobody to financially support her. At start I used to think that I should help her as she does not have anybody to support her financially, ALLAH will reward me but I kept on going to the wrong path. On the other hand I kept on taking away the rights of my real relatives and everything was destroyed.

Last wish of my mother! I may become a better person

My wife is a very pious person, she kept on advising me to correct myself but unfortunately I was unable to act upon her advice. My siblings and parents are very worried about this. My mother use to say that its her wish so that I may become a better person during her lifetime, also built my own house so that she may be able to see this. She may go to her grave in piece. I encourage my mother that if she will continue doing duas for me ALLAH will give me a house very soon. Since the time I found ubqari magazine and came in contact with ubqari tasbih khana I quit drinking alcohol. I am also trying very hard to leave that woman; I stopped meeting her, now I am tired of this I have started to pray five times a day. I find peace of heart but when I look at my sins I tremble. Tasbih khana is the main reason of all this, can there be any compensation for all my big sins?

Will my sins be forgiven?

Can my sins be forgiven? Can I also lead a pious and believing life after leaving the swamp of sins? First I ask myself, is it possible that when I leave this world my ALLAH, my murshid, my parents and my wife and kids are happy with me. If there is any hope in the darkness of my sins that is tasbih khana and with the blessings of ALLAH I have in a great deal come out of this sinful life by having an affiliation with tasbih khana. INSHALLAH rest will become alright with the blessing of coming here, listening to dars and reading ubqari magazine. 


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